May Newsletter

This winter and subsequent spring, if you want to call it that, has been an interesting one. Snow on the golf course throughout the winter is almost always a good thing-as long as winter disease control applications are done beforehand, and the snow does not cover a...

April Newsletter

As write this I am watching blizzard conditions outside my office window. Normally I am okay with this but with us being in April now I am not gonna lie-this winter is getting to be very annoying. The forecast is showing a dramatic warm up for next week which is good...

October Newsletter

October is finally here and with it comes the planning for preparing the golf course for the coming winter months. Just yesterday we took shipment of plant protectants to protect greens and tees at Nemadji for winter diseases-an essential preventative step to allow...

September Newsletter

Golf course work progresses with an emphasis on fairways where severe compaction from decades of cart and equipment traffic has resulted in fairways that are unable to support the growth of strong turf. We have been working on this with our Wiedenmann Deep tine...

August Newsletter

August is upon us and with it the overall tiredness of golf course maintenance staff. It never seems to fail that every year around this time I observe-and experience myself-the fatigue that goes with being at work every day at 5 am or earlier-and in some cases coming...

July Newsletter

Thankfully the excessively wet conditions of May gave way to a little more seasonal June precipitation and temperatures. What we did experience were stretches of dry conditions punctuated by heavy rain events that resulted in situations like the picture below: Clogged...

June Newsletter

Wet and cold conditions were the big story in May with all of the challenges that go with it. While we do regret having to go with cart path only rulings for players, we also have to consider the long-term conditioning of the golf course when making this decision. It...

May Newsletter

One thing that I can say is that the last two long, dry seasons, while good for golf, have been very stressful on both golf courses with horrible watering systems and the environment in general in the Northwoods. One can see it driving towards the Iron Range and...

March Newsletter 2022

Certainly is a great feeling knowing that winter is almost over and that we can now move into the growing season here at Nemadji. I was able, over the past few weeks, to get onto the golf course and get an idea as to how the golf course over-wintered. An often...

February Newsletter 2022

One of the most common questions asked of golf course maintenance in northern climates is, “What do you do in the winter?” An apt question to be sure as the snow and bitter cold make effective work outside difficult to perform. There is, however, an abundance of work...