From the Superintendent
May 17, 2020
As of this writing it is, a gloomy day with a cold wind blowing from Lake Superior. The golf course has, for the most part, recovered from the thankfully mostly cosmetic damage and only awaits warmer temperatures to begin to recover fully. This transformation in golf course conditions from winter to now did not magically happen on its own but required (and continues to require) a dedicated effort from our staff-many of whom have been working at Nemadji for a number of years. One such person is assistant superintendent Brian Wallin pictured below overseeding greens.
Brian Wallin 5 East
May 5, 2020
Brian is seen here overseeding putting greens with a modern bentgrass variety to facilitate a quicker recovery from the slight winter damage we had as well as introduce a stronger turfgrass into the putting greens. The units being used here were borrowed from the Wilderness at Fortune Bay who were kind enough to let us use their set which as far as I know is the only one in the region. The finished product after seeding looks like this:
5 East Green
Bentgrass Overseeding
May 5, 2020
The Maredo overseeding units (made in the Netherlands) are one of the most useful items I have seen on the golf course for a number of years-with a particular usefulness on our site where winter damage is not an uncommon thing. This implement allows a person to do the work of three people quicker and with greater efficacy. Every golf course that deals with winter injury from time to time should have one. I often wonder why some of the units we use for golf course work are designed and made in foreign countries. Here at Nemadji, our greens rollers were made in Australia. Moving on to the irrigation system here at Nemadji, I think that the picture below kind of says it all:
Irrigation Satellite
13, 14 S Greens
This irrigation system, to say the least, is robustly antiquated and while functional, will never be capable of delivering water in an efficient and dependable manner. Some of the pieces here, frankly, belong in a museum. We have been busy at work fixing numerous leaks, the pump station, controller issues, and really everything irrigation related and while this work is likely to be ongoing for the entire season, we have a system now that should allow us to manage to deliver water (kind of) in the event we get into a dry season. Has certainly been interesting as this technology reminds me of 1993 when I was hired for my first superintendent’s position. We had the same irrigation control
technology at that facility and it was dated then. Funny how the old knowledge came back once I was needed to use it again. My hope moving forward is that I may use my knowledge of newer technology to help move Nemadji away from 1975-80 and into the future in regards to irrigation systems.
On a final note, I truly appreciate the thoughtful players on the course who brought dog treats with for Boomer. Boomer likes food and I know he enjoyed them a great deal.
Date Unknown
Hope to see you all on the golf course, Vince