Leagues and Programs
Men’s League Formats
Captain’s Meetings Held at Nemadji Clubhouse
Monday/Tuesday Bushwacker 4/22 6:00 PM
Tuesday Scratch League 4/23 6:00 PM
Wednesday Best Ball 4/24 6:00 PM
Thursday Seniors 4/25 6:00 PM
Monday-Tuesday Bushwhacker
- 4 Person Teams
- Each team plays 4 individual matches per week
- 11 Points Per Match, 1 point per hole + 2 points for medal
- Team total of 44 points per week
- Handicapped
Travis Leslie – Commissioner 218-206-4981 tleslieesko@gmail.com
Tuesday Scratch League
- 2 Man best ball
- 10 Points Per Match, 1 point per hole + 1 point for medal
- Tips
- No Handicaps used for matches
Taylor Olson – Commissioner 218-269-5645 Tolson2727@gmail.com
- 2 Man Best Ball
- 11 Points Per Match, 1 point per hole + 2 point for medal
- Handicapped
Steve Fudally – Commissioner 218-260-6504 Steven.Fudally@gmail.com
- 4 Person Teams
- Each team plays 4 individual matches per week
- 12 Points Per Match, 1 point per hole + 3 points for medal
- Team total of 48 points per week
- Handicapped
- Players must be 40 and over
Brian Raygor – Commissioner 218-590-8153 Ragsishome@msn.com
Women’s Golf Club
Women’s Golf Club Commissioner
Barb Hoag – 218-348-8398 bhoag4@gmail.com
Please contact Barb with all Women’s Club Inquiries
Nemadji Women’s Club Champion- Patty Lier
Patty won her 3rd NWGC Championship and 2nd in a row.